Here are the projects we’re done so far and the ones we’re planning to do
"Media for Development"
Certificates were awarded to the students who successfully completed the ‘Media for Development’ short-term course, conducted in collaboration with the Cultural Centre of Ruhuna University, on the previous day.
Certificates were presented by the Dean and Deputy Deans to all students who completed courses conducted through the Cultural Centre in 2023, as well as to students who won awards in art, dance, and short drama competitions at the Southern Province and national levels. The ceremony was organized with guidance from the coordinators of the Cultural Centre.
We respectfully acknowledge and recall all those who contributed their voluntary resources to make this course a success

Blue Umbrella Campaign
The Blue Umbrella initiative, aimed at raising community awareness about sexual harassment faced by young boys and teenagers, is planned to be further expanded with university students. The first phase of discussions was held in collaboration with the Cultural Centre of Ruhuna University and involved the participation of 11 students.
The initial discussion included an introduction to gender equality and an overview of the Blue Umbrella initiative. Moving forward, the project will be carried out with various activities in collaboration with students from the Social Sciences and Humanities faculties. The Foundation for Innovative Social Development will provide technical knowledge and guidance for this initiative.
Digital Storytelling
In our media journey, weeks 09 and 10 introduced a new chapter. After enjoying the heartfelt experience of radio broadcasting, we are now focusing on studying visual media language and developing the skills necessary to execute it effectively.
Delivering a message powerfully through voice as well as presenting it strongly through visual framing are crucial and require careful attention. To this end, the students have gained knowledge about fundamental elements such as visual frames, camera angles, event sequencing, and editing. Sharing experiences on topics such as finding a presentation and transitioning it into a digital story has been particularly valuable.
We are grateful for the exceptional resource support provided by Kapila Ramanayake, a leading trainer in Mobile Journalism (MoJo) and Digital Storytelling in Sri Lanka. His extensive experience from participating in local and international workshops and conferences on Mobile Journalism and Digital Storytelling has been generously shared with our students.

Upcoming Projects
Here are the projects we’re planning to do through people’lk